
St Raphael's consistently strives to ensure that the quality of the services it provides remains high. It does so, in part, by collecting and reporting on activity data both internally and externally to the local NHS Commissioning bodies on a regular basis. Demonstrating compliance with published quality markers in support of the End of Life Care Strategy provides assurance that national guidance is being progressed. Quality Accounts also contribute to the Hospice's ability to demonstrate its performance.


The evaluation of practice against agreed standards is an integral element in the programme for clinical governance at St Raphael's. Projects are led by staff to explore either areas of concern or interest. All projects aim to support staff in achieving and maintaining the high standards of care delivered to our patients, their families and carers. Highlighting areas for improvement and providing assurance that high standards of practice are maintained, the pursuit of audit and monitoring activity is afforded a high degree of importance and is supported by a small dedicated team that provide support.

The Hospice keeps abreast of guidance issued by the relevant professional bodies including the National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence.