Living day to day with a life-limiting illness is tough. Everyday life issues can become challenging, complex and even overwhelming; not just for the patient but for their loved ones too. Our specialist Social Worker is here to support and assist you to cope with the emotional and practical issues that might arise.

Your choices and wishes

We can support you with the significant things that you may want to say to those closest to you - about your choices and wishes, and we can help you to plan ahead.

Support for Children and Young Adults

  • We can provide Specialist Support for Children and Young Adults, helping them to understand and come to terms with the illness and the changes it has caused. They may have their own questions, worries and fears that we can help to answer and guide you through how to support and talk with them.
  • We can liaise with the children’s schools and interface with local agencies to best support your young family members.
  • We know that younger children can benefit from Memory Boxes and Legacy Work and we can help you with these.

Housing and Financial Support

  • We can help you with housing issues by signposting you to relevant agencies who can support and advise with tenancy agreements, re-housing, modifications needed to the home so that you can remain safe and comfortable there.
  • We can assist you to access financial support agencies who can help with grants, benefits and how to manage your income.
  • We can signpost you to legal services and advocacy support.

Whatever your ‘non-medical’ concern – we are here to help.

Contact our Clinical Enquiries TeamPatient & Carers information