Spiritual Care is essential to the holistic approach of looking after the whole person – mind, body and soul.

The Chaplaincy Service is available to all patients, family members, carers and friends - of any faith, those with no faith, and those who are unsure what they believe. We seek to be here as a supportive presence and in the way that is right for you.

Chaplaincy can offer religious and spiritual support which may include:

  • A sympathetic ear for you to express your worries or concerns.
  • Space to talk about your life story and hear what is important to you at this time.
  • A quiet time of prayer and/or a sacramental ministry at the bedside in our In-patient Unit.
  • Contact with specific faith representatives at your request.
  • Support if you wish to practice your faith or spiritual tradition.

Our chapel is open 24hrs a day providing a quiet, private, thoughtful space for patients and families.

Contact our Clinical Enquiries Team Patient & Carers information