“It’s a privilege to provide comfort and care at a time when it is needed most”

I have been a St Raphael’s Nurse for 12 years. Many people can be fearful when they first come to the Hospice, and it’s heart-warming to see their fear quickly dissolve when they gain a family of specialist support. Palliative care is human care, with a high value of respect and dignity for our patients as the individuals they are. 

The Hospice nurses provide comfort and care at a time when it is needed most. To be able to help someone transition through the end of their life with dignity, and help fulfil their final wishes, is a great privilege. 

I recently had a patient who was not much older than my daughter. She was struggling to talk and was getting increasingly restless and agitated. Her symptoms and pain management were under control, yet her restlessness was coming from elsewhere. When I helped to pass her a photo of her husband and children, she instantly relaxed and found the strength to thank me. I realised that she wanted her loved ones with her, so in the early hours of the morning we contacted her family and they quickly came to her bedside. She was entirely at peace.

As a palliative care nurse, it’s very much about responding to human needs with both skill and heart. At times, I have to honour the emotion of our work. Sometimes I leave room to cry or I often sing, as my fellow nurses know. We feel at home here at St Raphael’s and we are all here to do exceptional work for those who need us.


By sponsoring a St Raphael’s nurse today, you will help me and my fellow nurses make sure that more people live the fullest life they can, until the end. Even a small monthly gift today will help us to make a positive impact for people in your local community for months or years to come.

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